
Friday, February 7, 2014

Bathroom Drawer Reveal

Happy Friday!  I made a goal for myself on Monday.  That goal was to organize my bathroom drawer only using products I already have in the home.  I am really happy with how this project turned out and how little time it took me.  In fact, I was done with it Monday night but I wanted to keep you on the edge of your seat until today.  I know you've been thinking about this moment all week!  
Without further ado, the Before and After picture: 
Let's break this down, shall we?
Time: 1 hour
Cost: $0
  • 1 tinyprints shipping box
  • 2 pimento jars (sans lids, I'm keeping those for another project, DIY Jar Lid Labels)
  • 2 moisturizer jars
  • 1 moisturizer box
  • Packing tape
  • Knife (box knife would have been better but I couldn't find ours)
  1. Take everything out of the drawer & throw away unusable items (i.e. stretched-out bobby pins/hair ties)
  2. Wipe down the drawer with a wet paper towel (because that is what my mom would do)
  3. Find materials around the house small enough to fit in the drawer (I keep most of my food jars & shipping boxes so those collections come in handy for projects like this)
  4. Breakdown the tinyprints box and tape it back together in a usable form (making sure to show the pretty silver/white stripes and turquoise color), and tape down the flaps of the moisturizer box
  5. Organize the drawer contents into the various chosen containers
  6. Put everything back in the drawer

Since I organized my bathroom drawer it has motivated me to organize even more drawers and cabinets in my house.  In fact, I organized another bathroom drawer and the cabinet behind the mirror (My side of the cabinet that is.  I leave my husband's stuff out of it.  He wouldn't want me messing with his stuff and we have different ways of organizing.  Don't we all?)  The most challenging of the drawers will be the 'junk drawer' in the kitchen.  It's full of rubber bands, stamps, paper clips, trash, coins, twist ties, batteries...the list could go on.  I'll get to that drawer one of these days.  Life wouldn't be the same without a junk drawer though so I am happy to have it.

If you have any questions on the project please leave a comment.  Although I didn't use it here, another item I thought could be useful for drawer organization would be baby food containers (jars or plastic containers).

For those of you who joined in on this project with me, I'd love to see pictures and hear what ideas you came up with.  {cough, cough, Emily & Kathryn, cough, cough}  Have a great weekend!


  1. Well I have three baskets sitting on my bathroom counter waiting to be filled and put in a drawer! That counts right?! In regards to the infamous "Kitchen Junk Drawer" I will play that game…we should have a contest to see who has the most random item!

  2. I'm the worst! I still haven't gotten to this, but I will! Currently, organizing our bills and mail so they are not constantly sitting out on the counter is my current project, so the bathroom drawer will have to take a back seat. Any ideas for bill/mail-organization would be appreiciated! ;)


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