In summer 2011 while vacationing in NYC I bought a book called Food Matters by Mark Bittman. Around that time of my life I became curious about food: what it is, where it comes from, how it grows, when it grows, who grows it and why we eat it. I dabbled around with the book, planted my first garden, but didn't take it much farther.
Once Baby J approached the age to start solid foods (July 2013), the food curiosity came back around. As I'm sure most first time moms are, I was over bearing, controlling and cautious about everything that went into his mouth. Something occurred to me one day as I was preparing our oatmeal for breakfast. After cooking the oatmeal and just before serving, I separated mine from Baby J's so that I could add brown sugar to mine and a fruit puree to his. You see, I didn't want Baby J to have any sugar so that's why I sweetened his with a homemade fruit puree. But then I realized how silly it was to be so concerned about his sugar intake and not my own. If I don't want him to have it, then why should I have it?
About a month ago I stumbled upon a documentary called Ingredients. The documentary brings to light the local food movement and reveals the crisis our food industry is approaching in America. Here a few of the points that stuck with me the most (in paraphrase):
- As a country, we've been educated to believe that food is cheap. As a result, we spend the least of our income on food than any other industrial nation. We also spend the most on medicine (per capita).
- 20% of the United State's natural fossil fuel consumption goes towards the packaging, processing and transporting of food.
- Although our population is growing, our farm land is shrinking. We are losing one million acres of farm land a year.
- 33% of the children born in 2000 will be diagnosed with Type II diabetes.
- There can be beef from 100-1000's of cows in just one, 1 lb roll of ground beef from the grocery store.
All of these things combined have made me think a lot about what I'm eating and what I'm feeding my family. I do 98% of the grocery shopping and cooking for our household so I feel a huge responsibility in making sure I buy the right products and cook the healthiest foods for Papa J, Baby J and myself. I also want to do right by our environment and this beautiful place called Earth that God has given us to live in.
I am convicted. I have been blindly eating, not concerning myself with where my food comes from, how animals are raised or butchered or processed, or even how our farmers are treated. I want to AM GOING to change the way I eat. I want to AM GOING to change how and where I get my food. I want to AM GOING to eat more whole foods and less processed foods. I want to AM GOING to spend more money on good wholesome food, knowing it's better for my family's health and the environment.
I know it's a long road ahead to make these goals a lifestyle but I intend to take it one day at a time. I also intend to share the journey with you, in case you are also interested in doing the same thing. I haven't been the best at keeping up with this blog but I think that's due mainly to the fact that I hadn't found my voice or what I wanted to gear the blog around. I am passionate about this though so I am hoping it will drive me to be a better blogger. Be patient with me though, I am first a Christian, a wife, a mother, a ... and somewhere down the line, I am a blogger, so it doesn't always get first priority. :)
Here's the tagline to keep you coming back for more...we bought a cow.
I know it's a long road ahead to make these goals a lifestyle but I intend to take it one day at a time. I also intend to share the journey with you, in case you are also interested in doing the same thing. I haven't been the best at keeping up with this blog but I think that's due mainly to the fact that I hadn't found my voice or what I wanted to gear the blog around. I am passionate about this though so I am hoping it will drive me to be a better blogger. Be patient with me though, I am first a Christian, a wife, a mother, a ... and somewhere down the line, I am a blogger, so it doesn't always get first priority. :)
Here's the tagline to keep you coming back for more...we bought a cow.
This is a great challenge for yourself Jenn. Be sure to update us on how it changes your eating and buying habits!