
Friday, June 27, 2014

It's Friday!

I always enjoy reading Lauren's High Five for Friday posts so I figured why not jump on the bandwagon and do one myself.  Right now my days are so jumbled and it's hard to even remember what day of the week it is so I figured a Friday post would at least help me remember that the week is almost over.

1. Papa J has been working 12-18 hour days at football camps the past couple of weeks so we haven't gotten to see much of him.  But we did go to a Kite & Bike Festival here in town for a few hours on Sunday and it was beautiful.  Baby J mostly enjoyed the sucker.  My mom conscious speaking: Are you supposed to give a 15 month old a sucker?  Shhh!  Don't tell.
2. We got our cow!  On Monday the meat locker called and our beef was ready for pick up so Baby J and I made the trip to pick up our beef.  Turns out it was not as much of an adventure as I thought it would be; it was pretty easy.  Full post coming soon.  

3. Since Papa J has been working so much, he's really been missing his time with Baby J, so he decided to take him to football camp one day.  I was both excited and nervous, but I decided to focus on the emotion of excitement because rarely do I get a few hours to myself.  What did I do with my free time?  First, I cleaned, then I went bargain sale shopping and had lunch with a friend.  I know I'm turning into my mom when I decide to use my free time for cleaning.  Many years ago I would have thought that a bad thing.  Now, not so much.  It's funny how you start to see your mom differently after you become one yourself.
4. This week I had a goal of using up all the produce in my fridge and not letting it go to waste (I way overbought at the farmer's market the last 2 weeks).  I'm slowly chipping away at it.  The beet greens went into a huge batch of Hulk pancakes.  The kale went into cheesy scrambled eggs (which was not very good and I won't make it again).  The sugar snap peas & asparagus went into a stir-fry.  The rest of the asparagus went into a chicken risotto. The beets went into another beet salad (it's so good!).  And the whole wheat bread went into cinnamon toast, french toast casserole and a few sandwiches. I can't forget about the garlic scapes!  I'm proud to report that they have also been used up and were delicious in the stir-fry and risotto.  They were not overly garlic as I expected and they turned out very tender after a few minutes of sauteing in a pan.  I'm still working on the lettuce, red bell pepper, purple "green" beans, tomato, watermelon, bananas and pluots.
5. Today we had planned to go strawberry picking with some friends but due to a flat tire and a surprise rain storm, it turned into a soggy visit to the tire store, an over-packed van, a visit to the children's museum and an impromptu lunch consisting of more processed foods than I'd like to admit to.  The kids survived, the adults survived and the tire is temporarily fixed so we'll just leave it at that.  

How was your week?


  1. So glad to have an update on you all! 12-18 hour days sound awful! The farmers market produce and resulting recipes on the other hand, amazing! Glad you got a few hours alone.

    Amy Ann

  2. I so enjoy your blog posts!!


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