
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Since I became a Mom...

I could finish that sentence many ways, but today I finish it with..."I have never been so sick."

I have been sick more times since Baby J has been born than I have in the last 5 years, and he's not even 1 year old yet.  It's no exaggeration.  I have had colds that linger on for weeks.  I have had fluid in my ears.  I have had sore throats.  I have had sinus infections.  I have vomited for days.  I have passed out due to dehydration and even went to the ER.

I naively thought that I had the two weapons that would keep myself and Baby J free from all illness:
1) Being a stay at home mom.
2) Breast feeding.

In my head, this is how it worked - I had an army of millions of antibodies that knew how to fight every germ on the planet.  As soon as Baby J started breast feeding, he immediately absorbed all my antibodies (leaving some for me of course) and automatically knew how to fight off any germ that he came in contact with.  And of course the germs that he would come in contact with would be very few because I am staying at home with him.  Wrong and wrong.

Although most of our days and hours are spent together at home, Baby J and I, we still get out every week to go to church, to the grocery store, to the library or children's museum, to visit friends, etc.  Germs are everywhere and as much as we fight them, babies put their mouths on everything and put everything in their mouths.  In turn, they love on us with their sweet slobbery kisses (which we can't turn down because they're so cute!) and the germs spread.

I humbly lift my white flag and surrender to germs and the illnesses they bring.  They have conquered my whole family this winter and I'm ready for the war to be over.

To leave on a more positive note, these are places I dream of being, places that look like germs would never touch.

1) Grand Canyon, Arizona, United States.  It's been a dream of mine to hike it.  I even bought an official hiking back pack years ago.
2) The Crooked Forest, Poland
3) Tahiti
4) Santorini, Greece
5) Blue Caves, Zakynthos Island, Greece

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