
Friday, February 28, 2014

Oreo Dipping, Adult Style

I sat down to plan out my Breaking the Code blog series; I'm really excited about it & excited to see so many of you also excited...that's a lot of excitement.  I think it's going to be good.  It's mid-afternoon and I don't know about you but I always get hungry in the afternoon and need a little snack.  Sometimes I choose a healthy snack but today was not one of those days; maybe because it's Friday.

I opened the fridge to find my coffee that I didn't finish this morning and I immediately thought to pair it with something sweet.  I NEVER buy Oreos and if I do it is to make a pie crust, not to eat by themselves.  I broke one of my cardinal rules this week and bought Oreos because they were such a good deal.  (The cardinal rule is: don't buy something you don't normally buy just because it is a good deal...oops)  I got them for $1.13 a package when they're normally $2.50+.  Come on, you'd do it too, right?

Okay, so here I am with my coffee and a package of Oreos.  I thought, hey, why not dip the Oreo in the coffee?  So, I dipped the Oreo in the coffee.  It was AMAZING!  Don't get me wrong, I love dipping Oreos in milk too, but dipping my Oreo in coffee feels much more age appropriate.  My all time favorite Oreo combination is peanut butter + Oreos (I got the idea from Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan, anybody remember that?).  What's your favorite Oreo combination?

"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalms 118:24


  1. You only buy oreo cookies to make peanut butter pie crust right?!?! I know you! ;)

    1. Guilty as charged, yes, I usually only buy Oreos to make the crust for a peanut butter pie. :) Homemade Oreo cookie pie crust is so much better than store bought!


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